How To Get Your House Ready to Sell: 3 Ways to Position Your Home for Sale Positioning Your Home to Net You the Highest Sales Price How To Get Your House Ready to Sell: 3 Ways to Position Your Home for Sale Selling your home takes strategy.

Selling your home takes strategy. It involves creating a marketing plan that properly positions your home. “Positioning” is what I use to describe how I present the homes I sell to the public. It is how your home is viewed by buyers. It is how your home is represented in image, tone and pricing. This is the foundation on how I market your home for the highest possible sale. 

First we need to analyze who we are trying to reach and who is your ideal buyer. To accurately advertise we need to fully understand why someone would want to make your home their home. Once we understand these things, we can create a story for your home and prepare it for the market. Proper positioning is what links everything together. 

Brands like Amazon, Apple and Google position their products and services to meet the needs and wants of their buyers. As a seller, you need to market your home the same way top brands market themselves to the general public. You will see a tremendous difference in showings, market time and offers through proper positioning. There are three ways to position your home for sale.

3 Ways to Position Your Home for Sale

Price Positioning

Price positioning is the most critical part of positioning. A strategic marketing plan must have a 2-3 step preplanned pricing strategy. You need to know what your move will be ahead of time should your initial price not generate enough activity to acquire offers. Planning ahead of time enables you to quickly adjust pricing so your property does not sit on the market for an extensive time. 

The main criteria buyers use to search properties is price. Buyers tend to search in $25,000 and $50,000 increments. People search up to $200,000, $300,000, $400,000, etc (if this is their price point). Be sure to take this into consideration when setting your initial price. When a price change occurs in a $25,000 increment, you are opening a new and broader pool of potential buyers. 

Description Positioning

The words used to describe and market your home are important. Your description must tell a story. Don’t make your narrative a hard sell. Though a house is an investment, it is more importantly a home to live in. 

The remarks used when describing a home for sale are essential.  It’s important to tell a story of the home, rather than trying to hard sell it.  Potential buyers are looking for an investment, but also a home to live in. Based on the property type, you must position your home so it resonates with your ideal buyer. If you are selling an investment property, focus on numbers, cash on cash return, net operating income, gross income and CAP rates. 

If you are selling a single family home, your remarks should accentuate the school district, local restaurants, entertainment and the neighborhood. This is basically everything you love abut your home and neighborhood. Remember to take into account buyers are more focused on lifestyle. When listing your home, tell your agent personal stories about your home and neighborhood. Let your agent know what you love most about your home. This will allow your agent to create an emotional connection with your home and perspective buyers. 

Marketing Positioning

When marketing your home, your agent must target where your ideal buyers will come from. A qualified realtor will find your buyer rather than the buyer finding your realtor. Your realtor needs to proactively market your home where your buyer will likely come from. 

Marketing positioning entails targeting your marketing efforts on the geographic location and/or demographics of your potential buyer. Once you have created your ideal buyer persona, it’s time to discover where your buyers are. 

For example, using social media will let you zone in and market to your buyer persona. You can use Facebook ads to target individuals based on geography or even the Facebook pages they like. You can also target specific audiences that match your ideal demographics.

Let’s Talk

When I meet with sellers, I take them through the entire selling process so they can fully understand the complexity of positioning and selling their home. I’m ready to talk positioning strategy with you. Feel free to contact me anytime.

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